SeaTwirl S1 wind turbine.
SeaTwirl and Siemens have entered into a cooperation agreement focused on developing the technical parts of a floating wind turbine. SeaTwirl is working to launch a commercial-sized floating wind turbine in 2020.
”Siemens is working for a smart and digital industrial production where renewable energy will lead to sustainable industrial production,” said Göran Persson, division head Digital Factory/Process Industries and Drives, Siemens AB. “Siemens views supporting SeaTwirl with our sustainable solutions as strategically important.”
The buoyant force of the ocean supports the weight of the floating turbine, SeaTwirl says, adding that the turbine can be anchored at greater depths than conventional wind turbines, which enables installations further out to sea where winds are stronger.
”Our technology has the potential to change how floating wind turbines will be built in the future. A cooperation with Siemens is important for realizing our goal of becoming a leading player in floating wind power. This agreement is part of our journey towards that goal and is naturally therefore very pleasing for us”, said Gabriel Strängberg, CEO of SeaTwirl.
Filed Under: Floating turbines, News, Offshore wind, Projects, Turbines