This renewable-energy finance event for the western U.S. gathered energy and finance experts to discuss, debate, and share new ideas around the evolving energy industry. Hosted by the American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) and Euromoney Seminars, industry leaders from Silicon Valley to Wall Street to Washington, D.C. joined to address a wide range of issues, from explosive growth in corporate renewable energy procurement and energy storage start-ups to renewable energy YieldCo challenges and major uncertainty and change in the utility business model.

This renewable-energy finance event for the western U.S, gathered energy and finance experts to discuss, debate and share new ideas around the evolving energy industry.
“The eighth annual REFF-West in San Francisco occurs at a fitting time and place when California, the world’s eighth largest economy has just committed to produce 50% of its electricity from renewables in just 15 years,” said Dan Reicher, interim President and CEO of ACORE and Executive Director of the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy & Finance at Stanford University. “And this is a pivotal moment in the future of renewable energy with the Paris climate talks at the end of the month, EPA’s comprehensive and controversial carbon emissions regulations, and serious uncertainty about the future of federal solar and wind tax credits.”
This year’s conference featured more than 50 high-profile speakers from industry and government, and played host to over 250 delegates including CEOs, investment bankers, venture capitalists, lawyers, and other key renewable energy players. With its California location, a hub for the latest public and private advancements in the transition to a low carbon energy sector, REFF-West had lively discussion and debate around the state’s 50% renewable portfolio standard, solar and utility business models and regulations, and changes in energy capital markets.
Filed Under: Financing, News