Canada’s newly elected Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has said he will partake in climate negotiations at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris later this year.
This week the Canadian Council on Renewable Electricity congratulated Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau on his election win. According to the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA), the newly elected Prime Minister has the opportunity to create more positive energy changes while setting the stage for greater emission reductions in the country.
“The Liberal party has made clean job creation a centerpiece of its economic strategy. More than $30 billion has been invested in Canada’s renewable electricity sector over the past five years, bringing tens of thousands of new good-paying jobs and millions of dollars in direct benefits to communities across the country,” said CanWEA President, Robert Hornung.
“The new government has an opportunity to work with the provinces to build on this strong foundation and make Canada a leader in the global shift to a clean energy economy,” added Hornung.
Elisa Obermann, Executive Director of Marine Renewables Canada, said the following about the new Liberal government: “The new government has made it clear it wants to be a full partner with the provinces in the ongoing development of a Canadian Energy Strategy, and that involvement can help advance many of its policy priorities. Renewable electricity development will create jobs, spur innovation, and drive investment in clean technologies, all while diversifying Canada’s energy economy to capitalize on the growing demand for clean energy solutions.”
The Liberal campaign promises on climate change and renewable energy included:
- Development of a new pan-Canadian framework to address climate change,
- A $2 billion Low Carbon Economy Trust to fund projects that reduce carbon pollution,
- Collaboration with the provinces to implement a Canadian Energy Strategy, including the use of more clean, renewable electricity generation,
- Investment of an additional $100 million per year in clean tech growth and development and efforts with the private sector to unlock venture capital,
- Shifting subsidies from fossil fuels to new and clean technology,
- Green bonds for community-based renewable energy projects,
- Clean technology procurement within government, electric vehicle charging stations, electrification of the federal vehicle fleet, energy efficiency initiatives, and exploration of opportunities for clean technology exports.
For key facts on renewables in Canada, read the full CanWEA press release here.
Canadian Council on Renewable Electricity
www.renewableelectricity.ca | www.electriciterenouvelable.ca
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Congrats to Canada and here’s hoping that the Liberals is able to achieve all the promises it made on climate change and renewable energy. Do they have the strength and courage to battle the corporations who will oppose it and maybe even sue ???