The Grid Storage Solution, or GSS, will use the company’s Long Duration Grid Battery System (GBS-LD), a standard but flexible grid energy storage unit accommodating configurations that range from 100 kW to 4 MW.
A123 Energy Solutions, a provider of advanced energy storage systems for utility grid and commercial applications, says it will supply, install, and commission a 1 MW, 2.8 MWh GSS to IHI Corporation. IHI Corporation is one of the largest industrial equipment manufacturers in Japan and makes products for a diverse set of markets including aerospace, energy, social infrastructure, and heavy machinery. The GSS is currently in the process of being installed at an IHI factory located in the Tohoku region of Japan.
Once operational, the GSS will be used to integrate a large PV solar generation array co-located at the facility and help reduce the factory’s overall load, which will in turn help ease the strain on Japan’s grid which has been in rebuilding mode since the 2011 Eastern Japan earthquake.
“This new contract win proves that A123 Energy Solutions has recovered, is open for business, and is poised for growth,” stated Bud Collins, company president. “While last year was a challenging one, we were still able to successfully install and commission several sites around the world. This new project in Japan helps us begin the year with a new win, and we expect to continue this trend and grow the business.”
The Grid Storage Solution, or GSS, will use the company’s Long Duration Grid Battery System (GBS-LD), a standard but flexible grid energy storage unit accommodating configurations that range from 100 kW to 4 MW. The GBS-LD can be packaged in standardized 20-ft, 40-ft, and 53-ft long containers, custom enclosures, or in pre-existing buildings. Using A123 Systems Nanophosphate prismatic cells, up to 100 MW and 100 MWh of energy storage can be deployed onto a single acre of land, providing a superior combination of service life, power output, safety, and reliability.
A123 Energy Solutions
Filed Under: Energy storage, News
Just strap 12 tesla’a together and you’ve got ~1 MW! What’s the big deal?/