U.S. Representatives Chris Collins (R-NY) and Mark Takano (D-CA) recently launched the Advanced Energy Storage Caucus in Congress, joined by executives from leading utilities, developers, and manufacturers of storage technologies. The focus of the Caucus is to educate Members of Congress regarding the benefits of storage to the U.S. electric system and investigate ways to accelerate job growth and investment in U.S. advanced energy storage industries.

The aim of Caucus is to educate Members of Congress about the benefits of storage for the U.S. electric system, and investigate ways to accelerate job growth and investment in advanced energy storage industries.
Cost-effective, safe energy storage systems are creating a more resilient and efficient electric grid today, with thousands of systems already in operation throughout the United States.
In recognition of the critical role energy storage plays in making the U.S. electric system reliable, affordable, and sustainable, the Caucus will periodically brief Members of Congress on how energy storage is reshaping the way electricity is generated, distributed, and consumed, and how policy can remove impediments to greater use of battery storage.
“I am proud to co-chair the Energy Storage Caucus with Congressman Takano,” said Congressman Chris Collins. “We need bipartisan solutions to help address our aging energy infrastructure. Energy storage technology will grow our economy and make sure American businesses can compete around the globe.”
“Energy storage is transformative technology that can lead to a cleaner, safer, more reliable, and more affordable energy grid,” said Rep. Takano. “I am pleased to restart this bipartisan initiative to educate my colleagues about the potential of energy storage and explore opportunities for us to support this technology in the future. The security and sustainability of our energy infrastructure affects every community across America. I look forward to working with Democrats and Republicans to create a policy environment where the promise of this technology can be fully realized.”
During the conference for the launch of the Congressional Advanced Energy Storage Caucus, the Co-Chairs were joined by industry leaders from the Energy Storage Association, AES Energy Storage, S&C Electric, Stem Inc., and National Grid.
“States, utilities, and customers have begun using advanced energy storage to enhance the reliability and resiliency of our nation’s electric infrastructure,” said Jason Burwen, Policy & Advocacy Directory of the Energy Storage Association. “Whether providing resilient response to extreme events, complementing aging distribution infrastructure, enabling more distributed resources and consumer choice, or reducing vulnerability of local communities, energy storage is a powerful and compelling new investment option in our nation’s energy infrastructure.”
Filed Under: Energy storage, News, Policy