AES Energy Storage, a subsidiary of The AES Corp, has announced that its fleet of advanced grid storage solutions achieved an important milestone, by surpassing 1.5 million MWh of delivered service in the U.S. and Chile. In January 2014, AES entered its sixth year of commercial service from advanced battery arrays.

AES Energy Storage, a subsidiary of The AES Corp, has announced that its fleet of advanced grid storage solutions achieved an important milestone, by surpassing 1.5 million MWh of delivered service in the U.S. and Chile.
Working with electric grid operators and utilities in the U.S. and Chile, AES has deployed and now operates and maintains a fleet of 174 MW of battery-based controllable resources. These resources play critical roles in grid reliability for customers by providing active grid balancing and reserves. Whether in response to variations in wind output or to help support the unplanned outage of a transmission line, electric utility customers have been depending on AES designed grid battery arrays to monitor grid conditions and to dispatch accordingly 24×7 for more than five years.
“Electricity customers are enjoying the reliability of advanced energy storage at competitive prices, and we are honored to have contributed to make this a reality over the last five years,” said Chris Shelton, President, AES Energy Storage. “With more than 1,000 MW of storage capacity targeted for procurement in California alone, we are encouraged to see grid storage growing in markets around the world.”
Building on the commercial service record celebrated today, AES now offers utilities complete battery-based alternatives for resource adequacy and advanced reserves. Our most recent offering is a 4th-generation design incorporating learning from more than five years of deployment, operations, and maintenance experience.
“These battery arrays continually serve and compete with traditional resources in market systems in the U.S. and Chile, so we can celebrate their proven cost-competitiveness today in addition to their dependability and scale of service,” said John Zahurancik, Vice President Commercial Development, AES Energy Storage. “Industry leading grid storage control systems, no direct emission, no need for fuel, and no on-going water use represent a smart approach to reliability for the utilities AES serves.”
In the development of its four successive designs of grid storage solutions AES has had the opportunity to work with the following system operators and utilities: PJM Interconnection, New York ISO, ERCOT, California ISO, CDEC-SING, Indianapolis Power & Light, Dayton Power & Light, PECO, Southern California Edison, Centerpoint, and NYSEG.
In recognition of this service milestone, AES is releasing a short video highlighting the smart collaborative work of our deployment partners along with a performance summary and new photos of key projects at
AES Energy Storage Solutions
Filed Under: Energy storage, News