An array of different protocols, custom software, and legacy devices were necessary in the past to exchange information in large production facilities such as wind farms. What’s more, many information users in a variety of locations made for inefficient systems. To fix the problem, a manufacturer of power and automation products has produced a micro controller to help factor IT professionals integrate connected sensors and devices onto the Ethernet, expanding their alarm and monitoring capabilities.
Moxa’s ioLogik E2214 makes practical Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)-to-I/O communications. The set up uses alarm integration across widely distributed substations and power plants. The SNMP is often used in network management to monitor attached devices for conditions that warrant attention. The controller is suitable for environmental monitoring, telecom, power, and transportation tasks. The manufacturer says the system ensures that important information is conveyed in real-time.
The micro controller has six digital inputs and six relay outputs. It supports SNMP for monitoring and controlling I/O status, and also allows internal register control and user-definable SNMP trap content. The manufacturer says multiple I/O ports offer connectivity options and fit most manned or unmanned workstations. The controller is suitable for harsh power substation environments, and features a compact size and UL508 certification.
The ioLogik also supports the company’s push-based Active OPC Server, which communicates with supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems seven times faster than previous systems and with 80% less bandwidth. Another function lets users update tags to the server with a few clicks.
Filed Under: O&M