Alberta’s Minister of Environment and Parks recently announced a plan for the adoption of an output-based allocation system for large emitters in Alberta. The plan supports Alberta’s efforts to accelerate the replacement of existing greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting electricity generation with the zero-carbon emitting power of wind energy and other renewable electricity generation.

According to CanWEA, a new output-based allocation approach in the province of Alberta provides market signal for increased efficiency in emissions-intensive industries, and enables further development of renewable power.
The government has implemented a standard of 0.370 tonnes of GHGs per megawatt hour as the benchmark for electricity, which is comparable with emissions an efficient gas-fired generation facility would produce.
“The Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) commends the Alberta government for its continued leadership in addressing climate change through the implementation of its Climate Leadership Plan,” said Robert Hornung, President of CanWEA. “An important component of that plan is the output-based allocation system that sets clear targets for the greenhouse gas emissions intensity of electricity produced for the Alberta grid and provides a strong market signal that will accelerate Alberta’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emitting electricity generation and shift to zero-carbon-emitting wind energy and other renewable energy options.”
This new system also allows non-emitting renewable energy generators to opt into the program to generate and trade credits. This provides an opportunity for renewable power developers to collaborate with large emitters to provide solutions that offset their emissions.
“Increased reliance on cost-competitive wind energy to meet Alberta’s electricity needs will be an important element of transitioning to a greener and more diversified electricity supply and a more sustainable growth path,” added Hornung,
Filed Under: News, Policy