The Smart Energy Plan includes more than 2,000 electric projects over the next five years that will modernize the energy grid and enhance how customers receive and consume electricity for generations to come, all while keeping electric rates stable and predictable.
Ameren Missouri‘s second planned wind facility in the state is one step closer to producing renewable energy. Today, the Missouri Public Service Commission voted unanimously to grant Ameren Missouri, a subsidiary of Ameren Corporation, a certificate of convenience and necessity to acquire, after construction, an up to 157-MW wind facility to be located in Atchison County.
“Expanding renewable energy in Missouri is an important part of our strategy which, alongside our Smart Energy Plan, will modernize the energy grid and enhance how our customers receive and consume energy,” said Michael Moehn, president of Ameren Missouri. “Today’s announcement brings us even closer to adding at least 700 MW of wind energy by 2020.”
Several milestones remain for the northwest Missouri facility, including obtaining a timely and acceptable Midcontinent Independent System Operator transmission interconnection agreement. The Atchison County facility, along with the previously-announced 400-MW facility under development in northeast Missouri represent an approximately $1 billion investment and are expected to be in service by the end of 2020.
These planned additions in renewable energy will help Ameren Missouri achieve its goal of reducing carbon emissions 80% by 2050.
Ameren Missouri has been providing electric and gas service for more than 100 years, and the company’s electric rates are among the lowest in the nation. Ameren Missouri’s mission is to power the quality of life for its 1.2 million electric and 127,000 natural gas customers in central and eastern Missouri. The company’s service area covers 64 counties and more than 500 communities, including the greater St. Louis area
Filed Under: News, Projects