Availon, an independent wind turbine operations and maintenance (O&M) service provider, announced the recent addition of over 100 MW of Vestas turbine generators to its O&M service portfolio. These strong results underpin the success of Availon’s technology diversification strategy, which has been deployed internationally over the last few years.
Although the company is often regarded as the independent expert of GE wind turbines, those machines aren’t the only technology Availon specializes in. Turbines by other major manufacturers, such as Vestas, also feature at the top of Availon’s service portfolio. These technologies have become key drivers of growth for Availon.
The company had already reached the 1,000-megawatt (MW) milestone for Vestas turbines under its care in the third quarter of 2014. Availon has not only greatly expanded the quota of Vestas generators under its care in Germany, but has also managed to extend its Italian portfolio to include the 2-MW class Vestas V90 wind turbines.
“We are very pleased that Availon is considered as a reliable partner for Vestas technology on an international level. Many customers who are already familiar with us in Germany, through our GE technology servicing, are also placing their trust in us abroad,” explained Michael Richter, Global Sales Manager at Availon. Availon’s international success story continues unabated. Outside Germany, Availon looks after more than 2,000 MW, covered by comprehensive servicing contracts.
“The German market will always be Availon’s home market, but international markets such as the U.S. and Italy are also becoming increasingly more important. It is very satisfying to see our business enjoying consistent strong growth,” concluded Richter.
Filed Under: News, O&M