AWS Truepower’s Wind Trends Bulletin is a report that evaluates deviations in global wind conditions from the historical norm on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.
The purpose is to provide wind-plant owners, investors, and operators with a high-level analysis of wind resource performance influenced by climatic fluctuations.
The maps contained in the report were derived from a custom combination of the CFSR, ERA-Interim, and MERRA re-analysis datasets. The anomalies are calculated as a percent deviation from the 1988 to 2014 mean speed at 100 m above ground level for the calendar quarter.
Highlights of Q4 2015 Wind Trends Bulletin
In the fourth quarter of 2015, winds were above normal relative to the long-term, fourth-quarter norm (1988-2014) across much of the United States, northern South America, Central and West Africa, and parts of western Asia.
Winds were below normal across the northeast U.S., Central America, southern South America, the Mediterranean region, East Africa, and much of eastern Asia.
Across the U.S., many areas transitioned to above-normal or near-normal conditions from the previous quarter. Although the northeast is again below average for the second quarter in a row, wind speed deficits have waned and no longer extend through the Ohio Valley.
For more details, download the full report.
AWS Truepower
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