The controls are for the 15 MW of storage.
Renewable energy projects often cannot consistently deliver electricity so some of the power must be stored, often in larger batteries. For example, the Notrees wind project will be the largest that uses a battery backup, and more such projects are in the pipeline.
“We have a few large projects awaiting to be announced later this year or into next year that are related to either renewable integration on a large-scale or renewable integration under challenging transmission and distribution circumstances,” said Xtreme Power CEO Carlos Coe. “Industry observers are seeing increasing use of storage alongside renewable assets, and in areas where the grid system is more constrained and isolated, such as Hawaii. A 30-MW wind project there went into operation recently using a 15-MW storage system from Xtreme. Duke won in November 2009 a $22 million U.S. Energy Department grant for a large-scale battery storage system at the Notrees project. Electricity from Notrees is sold to Bentonville, Arkansas- based Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Xtreme Power
Filed Under: Energy storage, News
Alternative energy articles like the name suggests are articles that discuss the impact of alternative (non-traditional) energy sources in todays world. Alternative energy sources include solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower, nuclear power, tidal and wave power and biofuels. On the other hand traditional energy sources are coal, oil and natural gas which are usually referred to as fossil fuels.
I would agree.