Editor’s note: Government organizations just love acronyms. They and other groups will never tire of TLAs (three letter acronyms). BNEF recognizes the decyphering challenge and offers a sort of decoding kit. A link to the full library is below.
Bloomberg New Energy Finance will be providing expert, in-depth coverage of the COP21 Climate Change conference in Paris. Much of it is publicly available here. The table below lists a few items from its UN Jargon Buster collection.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance will be providing expert, in-depth coverage of the COP21 Climate Change conference in Paris.
This is just a partial list.
BNEF’s most popular research notes on the climate talks include: BNEF’s definitive guide, UN jargon buster from which the table was taken, and 10 things you need to know in Paris. The entire library is available at http://about.bnef.com/cop21/.
Filed Under: News, Policy