The Frampton wind project consist of 12 Enercon E-82 wind turbines and is covered by a power sales contract with Hydro-Québec.
Canadian-based, Boralex Inc., officially inaugurated the Frampton community wind farm in Quebec. Commissioned in December 2015, the project, which is located on private land in the Municipality of Frampton, has 12 wind turbines with a total capacity of 24 MW. It is expected to supply electricity to nearly 5,000 Quebec households every year until 2035.
Owned one-third by the Municipality and two-thirds by Boralex, the wind farm represents an investment of $80 million. It will allow the Municipality to receive over $500,000 in average annual revenue over the next 20 years, in addition to having generated significant economic benefits for the region during construction.
“This project was signed, built, and commissioned within one year, the result of outstanding teamwork between Boralex and the Municipality of Frampton, which also saved $1 million on construction costs,” said Patrick Lemaire, President and CEO of Boralex.
Filed Under: Community wind, News, Projects