Robert Hornung, President of the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) released this statement following today’s announcement that Ontario will suspend the second round of its Large Renewable Procurement (LRP II) process.
CanWEA is shocked and extremely disappointed by Ontario’s decision to suspend the second round of its Large Renewable Procurement (LRP II) process. This is a missed opportunity for the province as CanWEA believes that the Ontario Planning Outlook not only identifies the need for new clean energy supply in the coming years, but also understates the need for new electricity generation going forward given the important role electrification will play in meeting Ontario’s climate change commitments and transitioning to a low carbon economy.
Not proceeding with this procurement also represents a missed opportunity to mitigate the risks and uncertainties associated with the costs and timing of the Pickering Generating Station operating license extension, Ontario’s ambitious nuclear refurbishment plan, and the uncertainty of supply from outside of the province. When new electricity is required in Ontario, be it to meet demand from economic growth, electrification or to replace a nuclear unit offline for refurbishment, it is clear that wind energy is one of the most cost-competitive sources of new supply as demonstrated by the results of LRP 1, which resulted in wind power procured at a cost as low as 6.5 cents per kilowatt hour.
CanWEA is concerned that halting procurement of 1,000 MW of new renewable electricity generation at this time will negatively impact Ontario’s ability to meet its climate goals while remaining competitive in a rapidly changing global economy. CanWEA continues to be committed to working with the Ontario Government on its forthcoming Long-Term Energy Plan and will use that forum to demonstrate to all Ontarians that the province will need to procure new non-emitting electricity generation to meet future growth in electricity demand and that wind energy can provide that power with long-term price certainty and at a more competitive rate than alternatives like nuclear power.
Filed Under: News, Policy