The Centre for Modelling & Simulation (CFMS) has announced it will be taking part in a follow-on Hyperflux project. With a project value of £850,000 (about $1.2 million) Hyperflux++ began on 1st September 2015 and will run for three years, completing in 2018. The project is supported by the joint industry and government aerospace R&D funding program, delivered as a partnership between the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS), the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) and Innovate UK.

The aerodynamic flow is simulated for an aircraft using Hyperflux. It and Hyperflux++ projects are developing high order CFD technology that will make high fidelity simulation at scale affordable across sectors – including renewable energy.
Hyperflux ++ builds on the successful Innovate UK project ‘Hyperflux’ – developing next-generation CFD technology for the civil, automotive, renewable and aerospace sectors using the cutting-edge high-order flux reconstruction technique from Peter Vincent, Senior Lecturer and EPSRC Early Career Fellow at the Department of Aeronautics and his team at Imperial College London (ICL). Hyperflux is a UK-based software tool, underpinned by expertise within the UK. This is in line with government strategies for HVM and ICT.
Led by Zenotech, a cloud high performance computing (HPC) specialist, Hyperflux++ brings Bombardier, CFMS, Aircraft Research Association Ltd and Zenotech together to further develop the capability and address timely challenges in the aerodynamic modelling of undercarriages and nacelles. It will include localized transition modelling; better and more robust high-order mesh generation and high fidelity acoustic source modelling. The capability will be available to all UK organisations via cloud access through the CFMS supercomputer, and will leverage the latest in many-core hardware for fast, efficient computation. Workflow integration to existing tool chains will be via support for most mesh formats, with automated upgrade to high-order elements.
Sam Paice, Chief Operating Officer, CFMS, commented, “High-order methods have the potential to speed up the design cycle, reduce costs and improve products. We’re delighted to have the opportunity to participate in the Hyperflux++ program, which underpins our commitment to developing learning and awareness of state-of-the-art for methods development.”
The project is receiving funding from the aerospace R&D program, a £3.9 billion joint funding commitment from industry and government to support projects which build on the UK’s strengths and develop the products and manufacturing technologies that will best position the UK to sustain its global competitiveness. The program is delivered in partnership between the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Innovate UK and the Aerospace Technology Institute. The commitment was made in 2013 and the 2015 Spending Review announced that the funding would be extended by six years to 2025 to 2026, worth an additional £900 million from the government.
More information about Hyperflux and other research programmes that CFMS participates in can be found here.
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