The C22F appliance connector is rated for 155°C. The chamfered shape of the inlet differentiates its style according to IEC 60320 C22, versus the rectangular shape of the more standard C20 style rated for 70°C.
A recent C22F appliance inlet with filter is for equipment requiring electrical components rated for high ambient temperatures. The design provides higher temperature ratings in a standard compact package, thus filling a gap between existing products and the increasing demand for high-performing components.
The C22F appliance connector is rated for 155°C. The chamfered shape of the inlet differentiates its style according to IEC 60320 C22, versus the rectangular shape of the more standard C20 style rated for 70°C. Combined with a power-line filter rated for ambient temperatures ranging up to 16A at 75°C and 20A at 65°C, the design provides exceptional attenuation characteristics at high ambient temperatures.
Developer Schurter also offers the inlets without filters. The filters come in standard and medical versions suitable for applications according to IEC 60950 and IEC 60601-1. Applications include power distribution units, IT servers, medical heating appliances and imaging systems. Versions with extra large X capacitor of 330 nF are available.
Schurter Inc.
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