Composites One, the Closed Mold Alliance, and IACMI – the Composites Institute, along with Magnum Venus Products, announced today that they are presenting P2P Composites 2: Prototyping to Process for Composites. P2P Composites 2: Prototyping to Process is the next level of P2P Composites presented last year. This new program focuses on advanced prototyping and processing technologies for composites and high-performance materials. The workshop will be held at the IACMI Modeling and Simulation Facility at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, November 7 and 8, 2017.

This is the fourth workshop this year in a series presented by Composites One, the Closed Mold Alliance, and IACMI, in partnership with Magnum Venus Products.
“When we developed this new partnership two years ago, it was with the goal of helping prepare the next generation of composites professionals, as well as ensuring that our industry’s existing workforce is up to speed on the latest technologies,” said Composites One Marketing Communications Director Marcy Offner. “Judging by the comments that we have heard from attendees at previous workshops, we’re well on our way to achieving that goal.”
“Successful integration of innovative technologies such as advanced composites will be driven by a number of factors, including the availability of a skilled workforce with training in advanced materials. Between 2014 and 2016 new composites jobs grew over 30%,” said Robin Pate, IACMI Communications, and Workforce Director. “Through IACMI’s partnership with Composites One and The Closed Mold Alliance, we’re helping solve industry growth challenges, preparing the workforce of the future and providing value to important state partners, including the State of Indiana.”
Scheduled for November 7-8, P2P Composites 2 will feature over a dozen sessions led by subject matter experts from Composites One, the Closed Mold Alliance, IACMI – The Composites Institute, the Composites Manufacturing and Simulation Center, and Magnum Venus Products (MVP). They will include topics on Design, Molding and Simulation, Live Process Demonstrations, and Characterization and Testing, along with expert industry speakers, including Dave Smith, Vice President of Marketing for Composites One, and programs led by Dr. R. Byron Pipes, Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Purdue University, and John L. Bray, IACMI Technology Area Director. Also presenting will be Robert Lane, Vice President of Product Engineering, Wabash National Corporation and Scott Lewit, President of Structural Composites.
For more information on this event, visit for the event brochure or go directly to this link to register
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