Consolidated Edison, Inc. has created a new clean energy holding company: Con Edison Clean Energy Businesses, Inc. It brings together its three existing corporations active in America’s competitive energy marketplace: Con Edison Solutions, Con Edison Development, and Con Edison Energy.
“Each of the businesses within Con Edison Clean Energy Businesses has an outstanding record of accomplishment, and each is poised for continued growth,” said Mark Noyes, CEO and President of the three clean energy businesses, which are all co-located in Valhalla, New York.
“Now with a common leadership team, these three organizations stand ready to fortify our status among the best in the business,” he added.
In addition to announcing the holding company, it was announced that James J. Dixon will serve as Senior VP and Chief Operating Officer of all three companies.
“The energy industry is one of the most dynamic and complex components of our national economy,” explained Joseph Oates, Chairman of the Board of the Con Edison Clean Energy Businesses. “Success in the energy sector requires extraordinary insight and expertise. With their talent and experience, Mark Noyes and Jim Dixon will lead our team of skilled professionals so that our clean energy businesses achieve their fullest potential.”
Noyes has many years of experience with Consolidated Edison, where he served in a variety of capacities in the regulated utility and competitive businesses. In an earlier role as a VP of Con Edison Development, he led the company’s growth into America’s fifth-largest developer, owner, and operator of renewable energy infrastructure projects.
Filed Under: News, Projects, Uncategorized