The company provides direct drive, water cooled, permanent-magnet-AC generators coupled to a braking system. No gearbox means the design provides a low maintenance, high-efficiency generator.
Grid Tie Inverter software uses proprietary algorithms to increase the range in which sustainable energy sources can deliver 60-Hz ac to the power grid. “We estimate an increase in efficiency of up to 25%,” says Energetic Drives’ CEO Ian Griffiths of the company’s algorithms. “For example, a traditional wind turbine generator has to be turning at a sustained rate, from 1,200 to 1,800 rpm (depending on number of poles per generator), to produce useable electricity. Outside of that range, the power is called ‘dirty’ because it is inconsistent and unusable. The technology lets the wind turbine use it at a constant 120% of the generator rating with our cooling system employed. This development allows producing ‘clean’ power over a wider range of wind speeds, from 30 to 120% of the generator’s rating. The software also provides for a consistent flow of clean, synchronized, utility-power energy to the grid, compatible with IEEE 519 and 1547 certifications. It results in a dynamic tool for smart-grid compatibility.”
Windpower Innovations Inc, Queen Creek, Ariz, says its wholly owned subsidiary, Energetic Drives LLC has been unveiled as the “innovation division” of WindPower Innovations Inc. The company says that along with its other subsidiary, XH Industries, it will feature efficient proprietary gear-box designs, grid-tie components and electronics, and improvements to existing equipment.
Energetic Drives LLC
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