With the Liebherr crawler crane LR 1600 / 2-W, 3 MW wind power systems can be mounted on 100-m towers without the need to set up a derrick system.
Since the end of 2010, Germany-based Liebherr’s LR 1600/2 crawler crane has been adding its strength to the large fleet operated by Neeb, a crane service provider from Wuppertal, Germany. The manufacturer says the 600-ton crawler crane moves rapidly between two sites, still fully equipped and completely ballasted, which reduces cost and limits time.
The lift of the complete equipped rotor, with a diameter of 71 m, at the Dargelütz wind farm, in the German federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Three Enercon installations of the type E-70/4 were assembled by the crane. When the rotor and its blades were lifted, the crane went to an outreach of 23 m with a load of 53 tons on the hook.
Weighing in at a total of 480 ton, the crane rolls on from its last completed job to the next site, its crawler travel gear with a track width of ten metres having no trouble at all in crossing the meadows and fields on the way. Uphill and downward gradients in the landscape are no problem for the crane either, even when fully equipped for operations.
Another new acquisition is the assistance crane used on the site: A Liebherr LTM 1130-5.1 mobile crane. The purchase of this mobile unit and the LR 1600/2 crawler crane to expand the company’s already extensive fleet is one way for Neeb to celebrate the firm’s 50th anniversary. And, incidentally, the entire fleet of mobile cranes, lattice boom cranes, and crawl-er crane units, as well as three mobile construction cranes, all carry the Liebherr name.
Watch a video of the LR 1600 here
Filed Under: Construction