D. E. Shaw Renewable Investments, L.L.C. (DESRI) has engaged E.ON Energy Services (EES) to provide site management and balance-of-plant services for wind farm sites in the Pacific Northwest. The farms include the 45-MW Power County site located in Idaho and 50 MW of aggregated sites near Huntington, Oregon.

E.ON Energy Services is a full-service provider of asset management, balance of plant, energy management, QSE, and long-term maintenance services to the wind generation industry.
“E.ON is excited to be working with an experienced owner like DESRI. These contracts will help us further what has been a very fast growing product line for our services business,” said EES President Keith Day.
“With the addition of these sites, E.ON Energy Services now manages more than 1,400 MW of third-party sites to go along with its own 3,000 MW portfolio,” added Day. “The company operates wind facilities in 12 states and in five different ISOs, and 2016 was a very strong year for EES growth.”
Since beginning in 2015, E.ON now provides long-term contractual services in eight states from coast-to-coast. E.ON Energy Services is a full-service provider of asset management, balance of plant, energy management, and long-term maintenance services to the wind generation industry.
“E.ON Energy Services is well positioned to manage projects for a diverse set of financial and other non-traditional wind farm owners,” said Day. “We see the marketplace becoming more diverse and, as an owner, understand the challenges of long-term operations. What isn’t diverse is our customers’ focus on high-quality, safety focused services benefiting their bottom line.”
According to Day, E.ON’s ‘Service with an Owner’s Eye’ philosophy aligns with those demands. E.ON has developed an approach that takes the best practices from around the globe to provide a unique service offering to wind-farm owners. ‘Owner’s Eye’ includes the use of CMS, active management, and simple maintenance techniques to lower operating temperatures in certain turbines and extend operating life.
Filed Under: News, O&M, Projects