Sentient Science has announced the release of DigitalClone Live 2.0. The software is a computational tool and condition-based monitoring service that helps companies predict and extend the life and performance of critical components in design, testing, procurement and service.
DigitalClone Live was extended to meet the needs of the GE 1.5 owner operators in North America to understand the life and health of their assets and to know the impact of both up-rating their wind turbines or the impact on asset life after up-tower replacement of gearbox components.
DigitalClone Live 2.0 delivers a more modern navigation and user experience allowing better predictive health management and control over the users assets. The newest release includes responsive capabilities for an improved viewing experience and enhanced asset reporting letting the customer adjust and create specific reports to their needs. At the system level, the user can now represent and simulate the life extension impact of an up-tower part replacement or the impact of up-rating on asset life and health.

Features in the new version allow for more flexibility in using prognostic data. For example, the alert center can track each individual alert and action taken as a result, providing the user with an enhanced and up-to-date understanding of the assets health.
“We created DigitalClone Live 2.0 as a response to requests for additional OEM gearbox systems to be added to the DigitalClone Live service. We are in the process of adding the various GE 1.5 gearbox configurations, and Mitsubishi, Vestas and Gamesa wind turbines. Other OEMs will follow on the V2.0 platform in 2015”, said Ward Thomas, President of Sentient Science.
In the new version, features have also been added that allow for more flexibility in using prognostic data. The alert center now offers the capability to track each individual alert and action taken as a result, providing the user with an enhanced and up-to-date understanding of the assets health. The life setting control now lets users optimize different health reports to understand the life of a wind turbine asset or the entire fleet depending on varying operating conditions.
A large focus in V2 was on making the health and alert levels more involved. To accomplish this, the health level of the asset went from a scale of 12 to 48 months remaining life to a scale of 45 days to 60 months remaining life. Sentient Science has fused their sensor diagnostics into their prognostic models, which now provides users with more detailed life predictions for short-term operational failure or long-term asset management.
“All of the upgrades and additions to DigitalClone Live 2.0 are aimed at helping clients extend the life of their fielded assets. By providing them with the most enhanced tools to improve asset life, they will have assets that will run in the field at the lowest operational cost,” said Thomas.
Sentient Science
Filed Under: News, O&M