The DWEA’s new report outlines strategies to reach 30 GW of behind-the-meter wind generation by 2030.
Editor’s Note: On the heels of the Department of Energy’s Wind Vision report, which calls for wind to reach 10% by 2020, 20% by 2030, and 35% by 2050, the Distributed Wind Energy Association (DWEA) has released a new white paper, proposing their own “Distributed Wind Vision.” Similarly, this paper provides a roadmap for the growth of wind power in America, albeit focused on the development of behind-the-meter wind energy. Below is DWEA’s latest release. Read the full document here.
The Distributed Wind Energy Association (DWEA) released the Distributed Wind Vision, which highlights the vast potential of the distributed wind sector. This new white paper outlines the strategies to reach 30 gigawatts (GW) of behind-the-meter wind generation by 2030. The document showcases what a true American small business success story this industry is, with over 90% of the small and medium systems installed in America in 2014 manufactured here. These American-made turbines have to potential to provide electricity to homes, farms, businesses, and public facilities across all 50 states.
To achieve 30 GW of Distributed Wind by 2030 DWEA recommends the following policies:
- Remove the 100-likowatt ( kW) cap on the small wind Investment Tax Credit (ITC), and provide a long-term extension of the ITC,
- Enact a 40% ITC for residential wind systems up to 20 kW, as part of the ITC extension,
- Increase the U.S. Department of Energy budget overall and for distributed wind RD&D to at least 15% of the DOE’s wind budget, as part of a new focused DOE initiative on distributed wind,
- Maintain funding for the USDA REAP program through and beyond the current farm bill,
- Encourage states and utilities to provide incentives for distributed wind on par with the solar incentives they have successfully employed to grow their solar markets.
“I’m thrilled to be a part of this new Vision, distributed wind is a true homegrown industry that is generating clean, affordable electricity, while keeping Americans at work,” said Jennifer Jenkins, Executive Director of the Distributed Wind Energy Association. “The U.S. distributed wind energy supply chain is made up of hundreds of manufacturing facilities and vendors spread across the country — supporting jobs in manufacturing, retail, construction and maintenance. This is a critical time for our industry, but with the right policies in place at the state and federal levels, we have to potential to be the next clean tech boom.”
Smart policies that grow the market and advance the technology of distributed wind also provide important benefits in addition to the 150,000 jobs created, including: economic development serving primarily rural areas, additional clean energy choices for Americans, strengthening the grid, promoting resilience and more.
Filed Under: News, Offshore wind, Projects