HYTORC’s advanced fastener technology again proved its reliability following the successful completion of qualification trials at the l’Association nationale pour la formation professionnelle des adultes (AFPA) workshop near the Électricité de France (EDF) Flamanville nuclear power plants in Cherbourg, France. Testing was focused on the HYTORC Nut, in hopes of adding this advanced fastener to the HYTORC systems already in place in EDF power plants.
EDF is the sole supplier of electricity to all of France, focused primarily in nuclear energy supply with plants in 18 locations throughout the country. HYTORC worked with EDF Energy to improve overall bolting safety for personnel with their state-of-the-art tool designs. Now, the HYTORC Nut improves safety even further by eliminating dangerous pinch points and making the bolting process completely hands-free.
“With the HYTORC Nut, EDF hopes to increase bolting precision and also save additional time through improved efficiency,” said Eric Junkers, HYTORC President. “In addition, this unique fastener also ensures that the bolt is not damaged during disassembly, saving the time and cost required to replace bolts in these situations.”
The HYTORC Nut is the most advanced fastener on the market. Developed in the 1990s, it has been successfully employed in hundreds of challenging, critical applications such as turbines, gas and oil recovery equipment and refineries all over the world. The mechanical tensioner works with a simple adapter that connects to HYTORC tools. The addition of this fastener to any HYTORC bolting system ensures improved efficiency, safety and bolt load accuracy Operating on the principle of coaxial reaction, a purely axial tension is induced in the stud; therefore most unknown frictions are eliminated, which results in a precise, calibrated bolt load. No backup wrench is required when using the HYTORC Nut because the bolt is prevented from turning while applying the load and no turning friction is ever applied to the bolt’s threads, thereby ensuring that the bolt or stud will never be galled.
“The customer is able to employ the HYTORC Nut in combination with multiple tools, even upside down, for parallel closure; dramatically decreasing bolting time and assuring the seal between flange surfaces,” said Junkers. “This greatly increases the capability of the tool, along with the applications it is able to be used in.
In order to ensure the introduction of this fastener to the EDF fleet would be a beneficial choice, comprehensive tests were engineered and data were compiled. Computerized software was used to measure the loads being generated in bolts fitted with strain gauges and wired back to a computer. Testing concluded with results including a flange with 20 studs of 45mm diameter being bolted together in about 20 minutes using the HYTORC Nut system in combination with four tools acting simultaneously. This same task, when completed using conventional hand torque wrenches, took over one hour to complete.
HYTORC is proud to work with EDF and they look forward to building upon this mutually beneficial relationship. “The goal at HYTORC has always been to improve safety, quality and schedule.” HYTORC COO, Jason Junkers, said, “When our products can improve all three of these categories for our customers, there is a great feeling of pride.”
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