One reason why more workplaces haven’t readily responded to this complex hazard is due to a lack of formal industry guidance. With a forthcoming standard in the works, however, that will likely change soon.
“Even workers with the surest hands have accidents,” said Nate Bohmbach, associate product director, Ergodyne. “Good fall protection programs include a plan for preventing dropped objects.”
“Dropped objects is a universal hazard that plagues worksites worldwide,” said Tom Votel, president and CEO, Ergodyne. “We’re proud to have been an industry pioneer years ago and an active participant in the creation of this standard today.
“We’re hopeful that our obsession with making stronger solutions will ultimately result in a better, safer workplace with zero drops.”
Monday began the start of the National Safety Stand-Down, OSHA’s annual weeklong campaign to prevent falls in construction. While the focus is on preventing worker falls, falling tools and equipment also pose a serious threat to the health and well-being of workers and workplace equipment below. Sadly, that’s why 247 people were killed by dropped objects in 2015.
For more information on Ergodyne and Safety Stand-Down Week, visit
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