EWEA has rebranded and officially become WindEurope. The new identity is more than just a name and logo change, according to the organization. It puts the seal on over two years of evolution in the association. During that time, EWEA had developed new statutes, added a new board structure, and formed new coalitions and working groups. It has also developed closer collaboration between the secretariat and its members.
According to the new WindEurope’s press release: “Our new identity reflects the reality of where wind is in Europe today. We’re now a mainstream and mature technology providing over 11% of Europe’s electricity. We generate €67bn turnover every year. We’re a leading European exporter. We support over 250,000 jobs. We’re a huge industry. We’re WindEurope.”
With a different approach to advocacy, WindEurope intends to engage on a wider range of issues reaching out to a wider range of government and other stakeholders. And with the new name comes a new website, which will serve as a focal point for news, analyses, and reporting on the Association’s activities including information about events and workshops.
Check out the new “Member of WindEurope” logo, along with guidelines on the use of the new identity can be downloaded from here.
Filed Under: News, Policy