FERC has directed SPP to lift what is considers an unjust membership exit fee.
Yesterday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) directed the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) to eliminate the membership exit fee for non-transmission owners.
This decision granted a complaint about SPP’s exit fee raised by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) and the Wind Coalition (now Advanced Power Alliance).
“We applaud FERC for removing the exit fee barrier, which prevented many market participants (including consumer advocates, independent power producers, power marketers, energy storage, demand response, and environmental groups) from becoming members in SPP and contributing to its decision-making process,” shared Amy Farrell, Senior VP, Government & Public Affairs with AWEA, in a statement about the decision. “We look forward to working with SPP to develop a more inclusive stakeholder process that will lead to better outcomes for ratepayers.”
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