A manufacturer of passive components and interconnect equipment has developed a power film capacitor series for dc filtering applications. Designated the FFLI Series, the advanced power film capacitor has a life expectancy of 100,000 hours, and unlike aluminum electrolytic devices, the FFLI Series employ controlled self healing where end-of-life is simply defined as the time taken for the capacitance to lose about 5% of its nominal value.
Qualified to IEC 61071 for power electronic capacitors, the FFLI Series also meets IEC 60068-1 environmental testing requirements and IEC 61373 shock and vibration tests.
The film metalized products are especially suitable for use in modular banks of capacitors for applications, such as solar panel installations or wind-turbine generators. “One major advantage of AVX’s power film capacitors versus other technologies is their graceful end-of-life characteristic. The FFLI capacitors are rugged and operate continually in an environmentally safe manner and does not damage surrounding electronic components, ensuring the system integrity,” says AVX product manager Gilles Terzulli.
AVX Corp. www.avx.com.
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