G9 aims to provide a forum for developers, operators, OEMs, service providers and academia to focus on offshore wind design phase issues.
A report resulting from the G9 Offshore Wind Health and Safety Association (G9)’s first Safe by Design workshop is now available. The report explores a number of key topics associated with the transfer of personnel from a Crew Transfer Vessel to a transition piece (including design of the transfer connector, new designs in access systems, and boat landing design).
In 2014, the Crown Estate asked the G9 to take over the running and delivery of the Safe by Design workshops. The Crown Estate had previously run workshops covering topics such as diving operations, lifting operations, wind turbine design, as well as installation and the safe optimization of marine operations.
Frank Monaghan, Health and Safety Director at ScottishPower Renewables, says “The Safe by Design workshops are a catalyst for attendees to network on Health and Safety improvements and develop local and industry Health and Safety initiatives. This first report is the first step in the journey of building a G9 portfolio of Safe by Design reports. We provide a forum for developers, operators, OEMs, service providers and academia to focus on offshore wind design phase issues. By doing so, we can investigate new technologies and innovations to improve health and safety performance, and also drive responsible cost reduction in the industry.”
The G9 aims to explore the high-priority industry operations and technologies with a focus on Safe by Design principles. As with this workshop, future G9 Safe by Design workshops will examine the current design controls relating to a current industry issue, discuss where current design has potentially failed, identify opportunities for improvement, and then demonstrate potential risk reduction. The output from these workshops will be made freely available on the G9 website as a reference for the industry.
Download the report at this link.
G9 Offshore Wind Health and Safety Association
Filed Under: Construction, News, Offshore wind, Policy, Projects, Safety