Gamesa organized multiple activities for its employees all over the world, including workshops to raise awareness about safety, healthy habits, and how to handle emergencies.
Gamesa is celebrating World Day of Excellence to reinforce its commitment to the safety and health of its employees, the quality of its products, and the environment. This is the eighth year in a row the company organizes this event, which provides the perfect occasion to pause and reflect on the strategies and initiatives being carried out in this area.
Gamesa is organizing multiple activities for its employees all over the world, including a visit to the Gamesa Faculty in Noáin (Navarra), workshops to raise awareness about healthy habits and talks by experts from different fields addressing topics such as how to handle emergencies or how to prevent workplace harassment.
In addition, the company has organized two seminars to delve further into the advanced management model being championed by Euskalit and the Navarra Foundation for Excellence.
The first took place on April 25 in Zamudio (Vizcaya) and was inaugurated by Javier Zarraonaindia, the Basque regional government’s Vice Councillor for Industry, Economic Development and Competitiveness and Imanol Pradales, Deputy for Financial Development for Vizcaya. Meanwhile, Manuel Ayerdi, Vice-president of Economic Development in the Navarra regional government, will inaugurate the session scheduled for Pamplona on May 4, 2016.
Filed Under: News, Safety