Gamesa has put its name to an initiative being championed by the Ministry of Health, Social Services, and Equality called “More women, better companies.” The aim is to increase the number of women in management.
To this end, Gamesa has set itself some specific targets. By 2018, the company wants to increase the number of women in pre-management positions from 19% to 25%, and in management positions from 9% to 20% (including the female presence on the management committee).
Gamesa’s goal is to ensure that at least 30% of its board members are female.
To achieve these goals, Gamesa will roll out a range of measures, including:
- Review and implementation of its Protocol for the prevention of harassment and discrimination worldwide that guarantees a working climate that fosters dignity and respect;
- Review of its selection, career development, training, and overseas assignment criteria to make sure these processes are driven purely by merit- and ability-based criteria, and are in no way biased or discriminatory;
- Identify measures designed to increase job flexibility and work-life balance.
In addition to Gamesa, an additional 85 companies have signed up for this initiative.
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