Engineers Maria Yoldi and Olatz Garcia collected Gamesa’s award at a recent ceremony honoring the company’s anti-icing blade system as one of the best 100 ideas of the year.
Gamesa’s Bladeshiel anti-icing system was chosen as one of the best 100 ideas of the year, according to the journal Actualidad Económica. The magazine highlights that this system is the result of three years of research into the use of new raw materials in wind energy, specifically the application of nano-materials in the development of coatings.
The Bladeshield anti-icing system, which was conceived of by three of Gamesa’s engineers, María Yoldi, Rosario Ortigosa and Almudena Muñoz, consists of an anti-icing ‘paint,’ which not only prevents the formation of ice but also boosts the paint’s resistance to erosion and its durability properties.
This new system, apt for use in its own 2.0 MW-2.5 MW and 5.0 MW onshore and offshore platforms as well as in other manufacturers’ products, was one of the inventions acknowledged during the fourth edition of Gamesa’s Patents and Inventors Competition, held last year.
For the last 36 years this journal has been acknowledging the creativity and imagination of trend-setting companies that demonstrate their ability to innovate, a competitive advantage of crucial importance to sustained competitiveness in the current economic climate. According to the magazine, for the first time in years, the private investment in R&D has surpassed the public investment.
This is the third consecutive year that Actualidad Económica awards an invention from Gamesa: in 2013, the magazine selected the climate chamber Gamesa developed for testing wind turbines at extreme temperatures (from -35º a +35º) and in 2014, the new G128-5.0 MW offshore.
Engineers from Gamesa collected their prize at a recent award’s ceremony.
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