Electrical design firm Potencia developed a 5 kW wind turbine in 1975 but has evolved as a designer and supplier of generators for the wind-turbine industry. The company has since developed 500 kW induction generators, and 750 kW doubly-fed wound-rotor generators in the 90’s. More recently, the Mexico-based company has developed permanent-magnet generators for multi-megawatt turbines for Clipper Windpower, Carpinteria, Calif.
Potencia says it has manufactured generators classified as induction, wound rotor, salient pole, and permanent magnet, and that its custom generators can meet any specification. The firm adds it is aware of the need for high-reliability in equipment and so guarantees a lowest temperature-rise and highest efficiency for its units. The generators are manufactured with U.S. materials and dollar-based competitive prices with shipping to any place in North American.
The company also refurbishes several generator designs. The tables list a few specs for a new Leroy Somer, wound-rotor generator in a 660kW unit, and then performance figures for before and after it was refurbished.
A few specs for a Leroy Somer generator
Performance figures for before and after rebuilding the generator
Filed Under: Generators