A tall telescoping crane will erect the first of 90 wind turbines at the Glacier Hills Wind Park in Columbia County, Wis. Eleven trains from Colorado delivered the 148-ft-long fiberglass blades along with nacelles. More than 800 trucks delivered the steel towers, each of which are made of four flanged sections bolted together for about a 260-ft hub height.
Twenty miles of access roads were graded to deliver the turbine components. The finished substation was designed, tested, and energized by Customer Operations staff. The project should finish by end of 2011. We Energies assembled a Wisconsin-based alliance to design and build the wind park. The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin gave final approval for Glacier Hills on May 14, 2010. The project will be capable of generating up to 162 MW.
We Energies
Filed Under: Construction, News, Projects