Global Marine Group’s Global Offshore division, a provider of cable installation, repair and trenching services to the offshore renewables, will soon begin work on a significant project with leading offshore wind power developer and operator Vattenfall. The contract will see Global Offshore completing the inter array cable installation, burial, testing and termination at the 72 turbine wind project in the Baltic Sea.

Global Offshore’s new plough method for offshore boulder clearance minimizes the operational risk and time required to install subsea cables using a single-pass capability. It will delivers boulder clearance and pre-trenching up to 1.7m, in a single run.
Global Offshore’s work on site will begin with boulder clearance using a brand new, multi-function pre-play and backfill subsea plough. Commissioned from Osbit Limited, with delivery to coincide with the project commencement, the plough minimizes the operational risk and time required to install subsea cables using single-pass capability. It will delivers boulder clearance and pre-trenching up to 1.7m, in a single run.
“We’re extremely pleased to be working with Vattenfall on this milestone project at what will be Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm, producing enough energy to power over half a million homes,” said Mike Daniel, Managing Director of Global Offshore. “Once completed, the installations at this important offshore wind farm will push that tally close to 1,000 power cable installations. Our team’s work will be begin on site in summer 2019 with boulder clearance along the cable installation route using our new pre-lay plough, which is an exciting new tool for our subsea business.”
Installation work will be completed by the Global Symphony and the C.S. Sovereign, vessels proficient in the installation of inter array cables. The project will be engineered and executed by Global Offshore’s experienced team, who have completed over 23 offshore wind farm cable projects, including most recently work at Kincardine, Merkur and the Rampion Offshore Wind Farms
Filed Under: Cables & connectors, Components, News, Offshore wind