Researchers estimate that wind farms have the potential to produce up to 40 times the electricity the world consumes, but these projects currently provide only about 4% of the world’s electricity. However, improved infrastructure and higher voltage cables have drastically reduced the cost of wind power. It is predicted that by 2040, a third of global power will come from renewables such as wind and solar energy.
A new infographic by RS Components, entitled, “How Many Wind Farms are Needed to Power the World’s Major Cities?” shows just how many wind turbines are needed to power the top 25 global cities today. Tokyo takes the top spot, with a total of 10,310 offshore turbines required, while Milan has the lowest amount at 238.
To work out the number of turbines needed, each city’s annual energy consumption was divided by the amount of power the example turbine (the same one each time) can generate in a year. Data was compiled from the International Energy Agency and the European Wind Energy Association.
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