A widget calculator includes a windpower conversion that considers air density, wind velocity, and a rotor area to calculate a theoretical maximum power (watts) in a particular breeze. Dry air has a density of about 1.2 kg/m3 at 20C and sea level, and a density of about 1.27 kg/m3 at 0C.
Another calculation on the widget finds the theoretical max power available in a volume of falling water. And a third calculation gives the specific carbon dioxide emissions (CO2/kWh) from burning a particular fuel when users supply its specific carbon content (kgc/kgfuel), the specific energy content (kWh/kgfuel), specific mass of carbon (kg/mol carbon), and the specific mass for carbon dioxide (kg/mol of CO2). User can share the widget by clicking the Get This button at the bottom.
Filed Under: News, Turbines