One of the most important challenges in developing onshore wind energy involves measuring the wind in areas of complex terrain.
Now, says the developer Visalia of its remote wind sensor the Triton Wind Profiler, there is a simple way for users to reduce the impact of complex wind

The Triton is being tested at the Ecofys Wind Turbine Testing Service’s Test Site Lelystad, Netherlands.
flow on remote sensing data. The service, which uses WindSim CFD simulations to adjust for wind flow curvature, makes Triton even more valuable as an input into wind resource assessments. Learn more about using the Flow Curvature Correction Service.
Developer Viasala says its Triton is well suited for wind measurement campaigns in complex terrain because users can:
- Access hub-height wind data without the logistical burdens of tall met towers or the generators needed to power LiDARs. Watch Video
- Greatly reduce spatial uncertainty, especially in complex terrain, by measuring in more than one site with Tritons. Learn More
- Feel confident about Triton’s performance in the field, because it has been validated by the industry’s leading independent laboratories, by a ground-breaking global comparative study of Tritons in the field, and by hundreds of individual customer studies. Download Studies
Filed Under: Sensors