Ingeteam presented today its advanced simulation models developed to address the complex grid stability and connectivity issues that come with the integration of wind power into global electricity transport infrastructures.
With each wind farm grid conditions demanding specific and stringent requirements, complex modelling is paramount to solve grid connectivity and stability challenges. In particular, the need to work with very low Short Circuit Ratio (SCR) or quality factor grids, as well as the existence of sub-synchronous and parallel resonances are significant challenges. To overcome these issues, it is indispensable to develop an accurate modelling of the converter control loops, and its interaction with the grid through the use of Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) strategies.
Both Software in the Loop (SiL) and Hardware in the Loop (HiL) systems are commonly used in the industry, but the advanced simulation models developed by Ingeteam as Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) allow for higher agility to run parameter sweeps and to test new algorithms.
With the use of one state-space matrix, the stability and dynamic behavior of the system can be obtained easily from the LTI model. To achieve this, Ingeteam characterizes all possible casuistic of the grid parameter variations and conditions, generates the LTI models for all the cases, and validates the solution through SiL and HiL systems.
“Throughout the world, a broad range of grid codes are in constant evolution. As the amount of renewable power deployed globally continues to increase steadily, the critical issue of grid stability also becomes increasingly complex. Ingeteam’s advanced simulation models are the answer to the complex grid issues that come with a high penetration of wind power in transmission grids,” commented Alberto Barcia, Commercial Director of Ingeteam’s Wind Business Unit.
Ingeteam continuously works on the development of advanced technical solutions that optimize the performance of its power converter products. The company’s industry-leading technical knowledge, acquired through more than 29,000 power converters installed in wind farms worldwide, enables it to solve the most demanding technical challenges facing the wind energy sector.
Ingeteam currently has over 50 GW of electrical wind power conversion equipment installed worldwide. Their wind power converters are efficiently operating in a high diversity of grids, each of them with specific conditions. In all situations, the key requirements of stability and connectivity are met.
Earlier this year, Ingeteam launched another one of its latest innovation: its new-generation wind power converters, developed for high power DFIG application ranging from 6 to 8 MW. Ingeteam’s high-power DFIG converters comply with the most stringent grid codes, and include FRT, SCR and SSR features, enabling them to be deployed anywhere in the world.
News item from Ingeteam
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