Integrated Power Systems (IPS), a North American company that custom engineers electric motor and generator solutions, has introduced WindGuard, its first insulation system designed specifically for wind-turbine generators.

WindGuard tests like a high-voltage rewind and comes with a five-year warranty.
WindGuard has the dielectric and mechanical strength to prevent issues cause premature generator failures, including electrical, mechanical, thermal and environmental stresses. IPS engineers addressed specific failure modes with this next-generation insulation system:
- Inter-turn insulation failures associated with high DV/DT transients
- Ground wall failures associated with high cycle fatigue
- Thermal aging associated with rapid thermal cycling and harmonics
- Mechanical failures associated with continuous-duty cycle ramps
WindGuard builds on the innovations of PowerSeal, the patented IPS medium-voltage insulation system UL-qualified with a 60-year log life aging curve — 50% longer than the previous industry benchmark. PowerSeal keeps over 10,000 electric motors and generators running in harsh & severe duty environments throughout North America.
WindGuard combines the dielectric strength of PowerSeal VPI Mica Tapes with the additional surge resistance of polyimide film, applied directly to the conductors using an advanced polymerization process for unsurpassed surge protection. The PowerSeal VPI Mica Tapes in WindGuard have the highest commercially available dielectric rating, bonding with 100% solids elastomeric Class H VPI epoxy resin.
This unique combination lets the rewind withstand the high-voltage transients and high-duty cycles associated with wind turbine generators.
WindGuard has a Class H or 180° Celsius thermal class rating with unprecedented heat dissipation characteristics. Its ability to maintain flexibility with zero thermal aging during rapid thermal cycling makes it the most robust insulation system offered to the wind power industry.
“We’ve designed WindGuard to minimize unplanned downtime and costly up-tower repairs. This will lead to significantly lower dollar per kWh cost for wind farms,” said John Zuleger, president and CEO of IPS. “Once again, IPS engineers have built on our intellectual property, so the wind power industry can enter a new era of operating reliability.”
Filed Under: Components, Gearboxes, News
In what particular part of the wind turbine must be situated with insulation devices?
-for educational pusposes