Congress seems to have a habit of waiting till the last minute to make any major decisions this year. The wind-energy production tax credit (PTC) is no exception. Time is running out, and the patience of the wind industry along with it.
However, according to a recent post on contributed by AWEA expresses some positivity. The American Wind Association stated that although it is dissapointing that Congress finalized year-end legislative activity without taking action to extend the PTC, the organization has hope in saving wind-energy jobs and business when the issue is addressed next year.
But how long will it take to extend the PTC, if it is, and how much damage will already be done? Wind energy is powering one of the nation’s fastest growing manufacturing sectors. Over the last six years, U.S. domestic production of wind turbine components for wind farms has grown 12-fold to more than 400 facilities in 43 states, shifting manufacturing jobs from overseas back to the U.S. The wind industry and could be just what the economy needs, but in my opinion Congress doesn’t seem to acknowledge its importance.
Do you think Congress cares enough about wind farms? Do you think in 2012 the industry will get the solid legislation it needs?
Tell me what you think.
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Kurt says
I wish they cared! My representatives are tired of hearing from me. They respond with the ignorant remark that they like renewables but we cant afford it right now! They will get the Keystone pipeline pushed through with all the money thrown at them by the big oil lobbyist!