New Jersey recently released a blueprint of its 2019 Energy Master Plan, which provides an initial steps for the total conversion of New Jersey’s energy profile to 100% clean energy by 2050.
CEO and president of the Business Network for Offshore Wind, Liz Burdock, released the following statement, thanking New Jersey for its commitment to offshore wind.
“We thank NJ Board of Public Utilities‘ president Fiordaliso and his staff for releasing the draft of the state’s Draft 2019 Energy Master Plan, which includes strategies for accelerating deployment of renewable energy resources, modernizing the grid, and expanding the clean energy economy that will enable New Jersey to maintain its position as a national leader in the U.S. offshore wind industry.
“We are particularly interested in the expansion of the Clean Energy Job Training program and the establishment of the WIND Institute, and will be working with our Network members and the New Jersey planning and environmental community to attend the public meetings and submit testimony on this ambitious program.
“Combined with the NJ Offshore Wind Strategic Plan draft plan due in September and the state’s first offshore wind solicitation award later this month, the draft EMP demonstrates New Jersey’s short-term and long-term planning and commitment to offshore wind energy.”
Filed Under: News, Offshore wind, Policy