From the Lufft Blog

Lufft weather sensors say its this hot (not very) in Brazil. The scroll at the bottom tells the different days and times for the reported temps.
Brazil is one of the most densely populated countries in South America and the fifth largest country in the world. Extremely diversity prevails here: from a highly industrialized center to a population living in very poor conditions. In the major cities especially, many people live in poverty.
But the carnival in Rio de Janeiro shows that in spite of all circumstances, they still have a great love for life. Brazil has beautiful and diverse flora and fauna. The rain forests in the Amazon region have countless natural treasures. The climate in Brazil is mainly tropical with very little deviation in temperatures. There are dry areas of land in the north-east of the country, with relatively damp areas around the Amazon.
But little of that will matter from June 12 to July 13 2014 when the whole world’s eyes will be fixed on Brazil because for the 20th time, the most important tournament for national soccer teams will be taking place.
As you watch the World Cup games, try to notice a small weather station on the sidelines. If you missed it, it’s not surprising, but be assured that Lufft along with Campbell Scientific Brazil and Meteogroup are working hard during each match and beyond to provide the latest up-to-date weather information for each stadium around Brazil and every game.
June is the coolest month in Brazil with an average temperature of 80°F! In average 60 to 80 mm of rain will fall during June and July, in the regions of the rain forest, located in the north and northwest of the country, significantly more rain is expected.
The weather forecasts are published on the website and will be continually updated. The data from the meteocentrale predicts a rainy warm day for the historic Germany v USA matchup in Recife Thursday. Might the weather affect the game play? Lets watch and see. Read more here.
More than 3.3 million tickets will have been sold. The weather will play a fundamental role at the football matches. Especially when it comes to the important later tournaments. It is possible that temperatures will be over 86°F at the 12 locations for World cup matches. Humidity can also be extremely high. This is why accurate readings of the weather conditions on location will be extremely important.
Lufft will be responsible for weather information with our weather sensors at the FIFA World Cup 2014. The weather data will be measured directly in the football stadiums, and distributed throughout the country. These weather measurements have already been undertaken at the Confederations Cup in June 2013. The project came about via a traditional tender. Lufft decided on this jointly with Brazilian distribution partner RoMiotto. By the WC 2014, all stadiums which do not yet have them will be equipped with our weather sensors.
Realtime temperatures for Brazil are here:
Filed Under: News, Sensors