The energy, aerospace, defense, and medical industries are among the most successful sectors in manufacturing, driven by changes in national security, an aging population, energy prices, and environmental policy. Professionals from these industries will share solutions to their common manufacturing challenges at Mfg4 – Manufacturing for the Future, a new event produced by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) to be held May 8 to 10, 2012, at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.
“Manufacturing is changing. We urgently need strategies to share knowledge among manufacturers, suppliers, and other partners to stay competitive,” said Debbie Holton, SME director of events and industry strategy. “Mfg4 is intended to break down traditional barriers and unlock the innovation that exists within these dynamic sectors.”
With 29 straight months of growth, manufacturing is primed to help lead the country out of the recession. The Northeast is home to many of the country’s leading energy, aerospace, defense, and medical manufacturers seeking suppliers and partners with solutions that can increase productivity and reduce costs. Mfg4 (pronounced M-F-G-4) is produced in partnership with advisors from those companies – including GE Energy, Pratt & Whitney, Sikorsky and other OEMs.
With conference sessions and an exhibit floor to promote cross-industry problem- solving, Mfg4 will connect manufacturers from different disciplines and industries. This concept enables the unexpected discovery of solutions, such as a medical device manufacturer learning about advanced materials currently being used in aerospace, or for an aerospace engineer to see how a green energy company is applying advanced turbine technology.
At the heart of the Mfg4 event floor is the Insight Intersection – an area where small groups of professionals can meet to exchange information. There will be scheduled sessions and an opportunity for exhibitors to provide in-depth discussions with attendees.
The technical conference features daily keynote and breakout sessions in each of the four industries and will focus on such topics as renewable energy manufacturing, arms, medical devices and the use of composite materials in aircraft. The exposition highlights existing and emerging technologies, such as additive manufacturing, composites, micro-manufacturing and nanotechnology.
“Mfg4 is not just technology and product demonstrations,” said Paul Faughnan, technology manager for Pratt & Whitney and an Mfg4 advisor. “It focuses on more integrated and interactive demonstrations and not just somebody cutting through aluminum at high speed because it looks cool.”
Mfg4 is targeted towards shop owners, engineers, vice presidents of engineering and manufacturing, supply chain managers and program managers. Exhibitors can apply for space at Mfg4, and will be selected based on a strategic balance of products and services that best match the needs of the audience.
Mfg4 will alternate years with EASTEC, which has been at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Mass., since 1988, returning there May 14 to16, 2013.
Filed Under: News, Towers