How much energy does your community consume?
Thanks to a new online dashboard developed by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) in Boston, it’s easier than ever to find out.

MAPC’s “Local Energy Action” tool gathers residential, commercial and industrial energy use by community — making it faster to compare cities and towns along metrics that were formerly spread over many different sources.
The new “Local Energy Action” tool, available at, —, laying a data-driven foundation for reducing local energy use.
“Historically, it’s been very challenging to gather all this data in one place, making it hard for cities and towns to know how well they are doing in terms of energy consumption and emissions in comparison to their neighbors,” said Cameron Peterson, Director of Clean Energy for MAPC.
“This new tool allows anyone, from elected officials to everyday residents, the opportunity to explore and download high-level data about energy use in the homes and businesses in their area or anywhere else in Massachusetts,” she said. “We developed this tool to make energy information readily available, and to offer helpful context for communities hoping to start a local energy program.”
The Local Energy Action Dashboard, or LEAD, officially launched last week at the Planning for Net Zero Forum hosted by MAPC at District Hall in the Seaport.
The tool was built by MAPC’s Digital Services team in collaboration with the Clean Energy Department. MAPC’s Clean Energy team offers a wide range of services to cities and towns, from local energy and climate planning to money-saving energy procurements. MAPC’s goal is to advance markets for clean technology while reducing greenhouse gas emission and dependence on fossil fuel consumption.
For more information click here.
Filed Under: Energy storage, Innovators & influencers