Using the Windmade label requires participating companies to obtain at least 25% of their electricity from wind power. BD buys 35%.
A medical device manufacturer has been awarded the WindMade label for the company’s global operations. The label, which is backed by the UN Global Compact and conservation group WWF, requires participating companies to obtain at least 25% of their electricity from wind power. Medical device firm Becton Dickinson and Co. (BD) however, procures as much as 35% of its total electricity consumption from wind power. “Using a clean source of electricity such as wind power is well aligned with our company purpose of helping all people live healthy lives, and helps us reduce our greenhouse gas emissions,” said BD’s Vice President of Global Sustainability Glenn Barbi,. “Receiving the WindMade label is an important achievement that helps us communicate to our customers and other stakeholders about BD’s commitment to reducing our environmental footprint”
The WindMade label was created to let companies communicate their commitment to renewable energy while providing consumers with the choice to favor companies and products using wind power.
In addition to its own labelling, BD has supported development of WindMade in numerous ways since joining the Pioneer Program in 2011. As part of this cooperation, Glenn Barbi joined the WindMade Board of Directors as a member in June 2012.
Filed Under: News, Policy