Dynamic Systems, Inc., a leader in mobile data collection applications, has introduced Metal Barcode Tags to the Checkmate Tool & Equipment Software offering.
CheckMate Toolroom Software
CheckMate software increases productivity and saves money by reducing the time it takes to locate equipment and by assuring that items will not be lost or left behind after a job. Based on fast, accurate barcode technology, CheckMate records where the item is, who has it, and when it is due back. The software tracks A, B, and C Class items and includes a Maintenance Module that records repairs, schedules regular periodic maintenance, records warranty expiration dates, and also tracks vehicle service and registration renewals.
Metal Tags Help Track Expensive Equipment
Dynamics systems offers a variety of barcode labels including preprinted polyester labels with adhesive backing, 2 Dimensional Labels, custom labels, and now metal tags. The introduction of metal tags allow users to track items where the typical barcode label won’t adhere. Examples are fans, drills, saws, and other equipment where the surface is not flat or smooth.
Dynamic Systems
Filed Under: News
It is really great that using metal tags, expensive items can be tracked down. Another thing is that, metal tags are cannot be edited so it stays its design and words specifically.