MISO, a non-profit 501(C)(4) organization, manages one of the world's largest energy markets, with more than $27 billion annually in energy transactions.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), denied Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP) request for rehearing on issues related to its joint operating agreement (JOA) with MISO. The ruling affirms, for the second time, MISO‘s interpretation of the JOA. On July 1, 2011, FERC issued a declaratory judgment that the JOA between SPP and MISO provided adequate compensation to share transmission capacity. FERC’s order yesterday reiterated its decision that the JOA “allows for the sharing of available transmission capacity between MISO and SPP.” MISO works to ensure reliable operation of, and equal access to high-voltage power lines in 11 U.S. states and the Canadian province of Manitoba.
“FERC’s decision provides important certainty and clarity for Entergy and its customers as well as the parties involved in the MISO-SPP JOA,” said Todd Hillman, MISO Executive Director of Market Development and Services. “With this issue settled, we have taken another step toward fully integrating Entergy into the MISO market.
“Based on discussions with Entergy, SPP, and the JOA parties during a hearing last year at the Arkansas Public Service Commission, we proactively offered to initiate discussions to jointly look at ways to improve the joint operating agreement for all parties,” said Hillman. “We’ve had three meetings so far and have already proposed specific modifications to SPP based on those discussions. We look forward to continuing those discussions if further needs arise.”
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