The energy storage industry continues to gain momentum around the world as industries of all types are actively working to minimize their carbon footprints and increase profits. According to a new report from Navigant Research, utilities and project developers can reap the benefits of energy storage, without large upfront investment, through mobile advanced battery solutions.

Mobile batteries have become a way to integrate and manage higher electricity loads, says Navigant Research, potentially offering storage support to utilities and project developers.
“While the majority of energy storage deployments are stationary solutions, grid operators and facility owners around the world are beginning to recognize the value that mobile advanced battery systems can provide,” says Alex Eller, senior research analyst with Navigant Research.
Eller adds: “Drivers for mobile advanced batteries include cost deferral potential, short-term load management, and flexibility.”
According to the report, technological innovation within mobile battery systems is happening on several fronts, most notably the electric vehicle (EV) charging market (ideally, charged with renewable power). As facility owners and event planners further understand the long-term power implications a fleet of EVs has on the local transformer, mobile batteries have become a way to integrate and manage higher electricity loads.
The report, Profit Increases from Deploying Mobile Advanced Batteries for Short-Term Loads, explores key applications for mobile advanced energy storage. The study discusses specific battery technologies commercially available in the market as mobile advanced battery solutions. These include lithium-ion, redox flow, and advanced lead-acid batteries. The report also examines the issues mobile battery solutions face at key junctions in the electricity value chain, and how ESS stakeholders can manage these issues with adequate planning.
An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download here.
Filed Under: Energy storage, News